
What Are Superabrasives?

Superabrasives make up a special category of bonded abrasives designed for grinding the hardest, most challenging work materials. Because...


Wheel life and its end form
Any grinding wheel has its use of certain wear requirements, wear to a certain extent must be re-replaced with a new wheel. Not in order to save material, the requirements on the use of ultra-wear, which is a very unsafe illegal behavior.
Any grinding wheel has its use of certain wear requirements, wear to a certain extent must be re-replaced with a new wheel. Not in order to save material, the requirements on the use of ultra-wear, which is a very unsafe illegal behavior. General provisions, when the wheel wear to diameter 10mm larger than the chuck should be replaced when the new wheel.
The actual grinding time between grinding wheels is called grinding wheel life. Judging wheel life, generally based on the work surface after the phenomenon of wear and tear to determine the visual phenomenon. The main phenomena are: the process of self-excited grinding vibration, the surface of the workpiece surface regeneration pattern; grinding noise increases; the workpiece surface grinding burns, abrasive sharp increase or decrease; grinding accuracy; grinding surface Roughness increases. These phenomena are mainly due to the grinding temperature is too high to surface thermal damage and due to self-excited vibration caused by the roughness and accuracy decreased.
Grinding wheel end of the form: Grinding wheel surface passivation - grinding state (will increase the grinding force and grinding heat); wheel clogging (prone to vibration or noise to burns); grinding wheel contour damage (processing accuracy).
Any grinding wheel has a certain period of validity, in the validity period, it is qualified grinding wheel; more than the validity of use, not necessarily qualified grinding wheel. The regulation stipulates that "the grinding wheel should be used within the validity period, the resin and rubber bonded wheel must be rotated for one year after storage, and the qualified person can use it".


Conditions for use of diamond grinding wheel

1. Diamond grinding wheel cutting depth according to the thickness and cutting wheel material to determine. General maximum cutting depth of 3 mm;
2. The new sand grinding wheel must be used before the special correction plate to open the edge correction.
3. Select diamond grinding wheel, in order to ensure the best cutting results, according to the different blood plasma cutting material to select the appropriate abrasive size wheel.
4. Diamond grinding wheel cutting speed must be greater than 80 m / s;
5. Diamond grinding wheel normal cutting speed (cutting material moving speed) according to the cutting material and cutting accuracy requirements, generally 0.5-200 mm / s;
6. Diamond grinding wheel must be cut with water cooling, cooling water flow of not less than 2.4 l / min;


Grinding wheel dressing tools and dressing conditions have a significant impact on wheel dressing quality, not only affect the grinding wheel shape and sharpness of sharpening, but also affect the grinding wheel wear, grinding force, grinding temperature and the surface integrity of grinding parts . In the actual production, generally based on the accuracy of the workpiece requirements, the nature of the wheel, the workpiece material and processing methods to determine the dressing methods and dressing tools.

    (1) diamond dressing. Diamond dressing is to diamond as a tool, that is, large pieces of diamond inlaid in a special diamond arbor, with the form of cutting to dress wheel method. Dressing wheel, the diamond knife mounted on the grinder in a special dresser, the vertical knife to carry out dressing. As the diamond hardness is very high, sharp edges and corners, grinding wheel can be trimmed correctly and meticulously, can obtain high processing precision and very fine surface roughness. Therefore, it is one of the most commonly used dressing methods.

    With diamond dressing wheel should pay attention to the following matters:

    ① must be a reasonable choice of the size of diamond particles. Diamond size should be based on the size of the wheel to select, under normal circumstances, the wheel diameter of 100mm in the following, optional 0.25 karats of diamond. Diamond wheel diameter of 100mm or more, the election 0.1-1 carat diamond.

    In order to make the dressing of the grinding wheel sharp and smooth, the tip of the diamond must be kept sharp, the tip of the study into 70 ° - 80 ° sharp angle.

    ③ Before and during installation, always check the diamond welding is strong and whether there are cracks, so as not to repair the loss of diamond.

    ④ diamond rod installed in the wheel dresser, the extension of the length to be short, clamping to be strong, so as to avoid jitter when dressing, affecting the quality of finishing.

    ⑤ Diamond and grinding wheel contact point should be lower than the wheel axis 1-2mm, diamond rod upward tilt 10 ° ~ 15 °, while horizontal axis tilted with the wheel 15 ° ~ 30 °, so that when turning the diamond grinding wheel negative Angle and the main angle, the turning effect is better. Diamond must not be mounted on the wheel axis above, otherwise, under the action of grinding force in the diamond tip will pierce the wheel, or in the dressing of the diamond vibration. If the installation is too low, the force is too small, affecting the dressing diamond play a sharp role. At the same time because of the installation angle exists, but also can keep sharp sharp corners of the diamond, such as a direction grind, and for a direction can be used, can improve the service life.

    ⑥ according to processing requirements to determine the amount of repair. Coarse grinding, grinding wheel surface roughness, this can increase the dressing of the depth of the knife and trim the lead. Fine grinding, on the other hand, the smaller the dressing dressing lead, grinding wheel surface repair more smooth, abrasive micro-blade, such as the higher the better. Fine finishing, the general infeed into the horizontal feed 2-3 times, and then in the case of no feeding for several repairs.

    ⑦ dressing should be fully cooled, do not allow intermittent pouring coolant, so as to avoid sudden and cold diamond abrasions, dry grinding dressing, the repair should be paused after a few times, so that the diamond can be cooled.

    (2) diamond pen finishing. Diamond pen is a small particle by the diamond or diamond powder with a strong combination of the alloy together, pressed into the special made of metal arbor. According to the distribution of diamond, there are three types of diamond pen: layered diamond pen - diamond particles layered distribution; chain diamond pen - diamond particles into a chain distribution; powder diamond pen - diamond particles were irregularly distributed .

    There are many factors that affect the dressing quality, such as the edge  shape of the diamond, the wear resistance of the diamond, the dressing parameters (trim feed rate, wheel dressing speed, dressing depth), dresser, wheel characteristics Type, hardness, particle size, texture, binder) and grinding fluid.


The advantages of new temperature resin grinding wheel

The advantages of new temperature-resistant resin grinding wheel The new temperature-resistant resin grinding wheel technology is mainly applied to the following two types of grinding wheel: First, large diameter resin cutting wheel; Second, heavy-duty resin grinding wheel.

More than two major categories of resin grinding wheel is mainly used in modern steel enterprises. Large-diameter resin cutting wheel mainly used in steel production line profiles of iron and steel wire-length cutting; heavy-duty coarse resin grinding wheel is mainly used for steel ingot or rail and other materials, coarse grinding.

As the above two categories of grinding wheels often work under more stringent conditions, requiring such a wheel must have a high temperature performance, can withstand greater load, better grinding characteristics, grinding efficiency is better , Can work in a large line speed conditions, the balance of performance, and more durable. For heavy-duty coarse grinding resin grinding wheel must also have a greater density.
Basics: Wheel of water

After the grinding wheel is produced from the oven, it re-enters a water-filled environment until it is consumed. Wheel of life, is a constant face of water vapor life, but also a constant struggle with the water life. While the abrasive wheel manufacturers are deeply affected by the performance of the headache and it is closely related to attenuation. But in the end is how the matter?

Take a look at the structure of the wheel, see Figure 1.

In the production of the wheel mixer on the pot, our sand for the first time met its long-standing resin solution, began to be firmly wrapped live, their feelings can not be purely disturbed by any third party. In the pot mixer, the other filler, resin powder, active additives (please give this component with more attention) and dyes, where uniform mixing, and then wait on the pot prince and prince.

Once the pot of resin liquid and sand come, the composition of the pot will be evenly wrapped around them. On the pot can not add any other component, is that any other components in the pot on the join, will affect the uniform distribution of materials, resulting in potential stress for the grinding wheel after the distortion of foreshadowed. This is a principle that can not be broken. If the mixture is a problem, it should look for other solutions, the feeding sequence process or should stick to.

Resin solution on the sand package, there is no chemical bond, is a purely physical curing package. Therefore, if the sand can be properly treated with a coupling agent, some chemical bonding can be generated between the resin liquid and the sand, and the bonding strength thereof should be increased. Since the two are physical integration, the intensity is not high, as the fairy tale said, it is easy to get involved in a third party. In this article, this disgraceful third party is water.

To see how the invasion of the third party. Figure II.

Water slowly from the outside invasion, and gradually invade the wheel to the inside, but also invasion of resin liquid film and the gap between the sand. We give this water at different stages of a number: wheel outside the water is 1, the wheel structure within the water is 2, further resin liquid film and sand between the water is 3. You see, it really is a small three.

Water 1, free in the grinding wheel outside, in fact, the impact on the grinding wheel is negligible. Water 2, has entered into the wheel, grinding wheel gap, easy to come out easily, but as a channel, the negative impact is gradually increasing. Damage to the wheel is the largest water 3. Water 3 latent here, in the wheel storage process, it seems that do not see too much problem. But once the wheel starts to work, the water becomes hot water into a huge volume expansion, it's destructive power is very frightening. It will really like a demon, Cuikulaxiu-like resin film from the sand peeling off. Sand quickly fall off, large beads beads falling jade plate generally become a mess, the performance change is the wheel of attenuation. Especially for the ultra-thin, this problem is particularly serious. This damage, but also to the internal wheel of the stress released, resulting in distortion, which is the wheel's warpage. Of course, there are other reasons for grinding wheel warping, such as mixing, such as trapped material, such as oven control, but not discussed in this column.

So to solve this type of problem of the program, it is important how to deal with these three water.

Water 1 treatment, mainly packaging and transportation, should be avoided as much as possible the external environment of water vapor intrusion. Many high-end grinding wheel, all plastic packaging, the reason lies in this.

Water 2 treatment, it is relatively complex.

Specific possible options are:

1, increase the wheel compactness, reduce the gap, to reduce the wheel of the invasion;

2, hot pressing wheel production, need to pay attention to molding;

3, control the use of absorbent materials;

4, select the appropriate resin powder and resin solution to close the possible water vapor intrusion channel;

5, adjust the curing process to close the possible water vapor intrusion channel;

Vapor damage to the wheel of the serious, we look at the wheel head manufacturers to know how much the headache index. Especially in the summer, the climate is hot, water vapor is abundant, put this destructive power completely revealed. Grinding wheel distortion, abrupt decline in wheel performance, the accumulation of customer complaints at the desk, inexplicable sadness in my heart. Is the quality of people in the winter wheel warm, but in the summer people pull psychological pull cool? Yes, that is what we are discussing about the role of this third party, especially Water 3.

The gap between the resin liquid film and the sand is very narrow, and the third person should not be able to easily enter. But the reality is that it does enter, and have a large area of ​​damage. The secret lies in the sand: the resin film on the surface of the sand to attract this third party. At present, the domestic resin solution generally absorb moisture serious, even in such a small gap, it can also attract water 2 into the water 3. Incidentally, advertising is what I have been fighting for 12 years of the United States Han Mori's phenolic resin plant in Zhenjiang put into production, the problem is expected to be essential to improve.

Possible solutions to water 3 are:

1, must first use non-absorbent resin solution;

2, select the appropriate resin solution, so that the surface of the sand film coating integrity;

3, slow cooling, to avoid cracks in the resin liquid film;

4, other solutions see the water 2 solution.

The attenuation problem is so complex that the factors that affect it are so numerous that they can be improved without end. However, the market is so cold, in the case of lower and lower product prices, how can you cut prices? In addition to improving quality, product segmentation, specialization, you have another way to go?


Wheel material knowledge popularization

Speaking of wheel we should not feel strange, yes it is our life the most common kind of abrasive, and according to the different materials to grind, grinding wheel also has a material. As the largest amount of abrasive, the use of the highest frequency of a grinding tool, today Xiaobian to take you to analyze the wheel material and their respective characteristics, which come with Xiao Bian to see it!

What is the wheel

The grinding wheel is made of abrasives and various kinds of abrasives in China. Generally, there is a round hole in the middle. When the motor is started, it can rotate rapidly. It can be used for all kinds of metal and other Materials for processing. Grinding wheel manufacturing process is more complex, generally compacting, drying and other procedures, some materials have to go through the grinding wheel steps, China is the world's first use of tools to kill one of the countries.

Grinding wheel material and their own characteristics

Ceramic grinding wheel
Ceramic grinding wheel is the name suggests is a combination of ceramic produced out of a grinding wheel it is very stable chemical stability, can be sprinkled in the process of cutting fluid processing, or even dry grinding can be. Some of the plane, both inside and outside the grinding wheel can be used to carry out the processing of ceramic grinding wheel.

Resin grinding wheel
This is a combination of resin made of grinding wheel, so it's hardening temperature is low, shrinkage is also very small, so for some special-shaped or special shape of the wheel, resin wheel is the best, however, to know , Resin wheel in heavy duty conditions continue to work, and can maintain a certain flexibility is not changed, is a very practical wheel.

Rubber grinding wheel
Rubber grinding wheel has a very good flexibility, when we want to polish the surface of building materials such as processing, rubber grinding wheel comes in handy, and it can also do centerless grinding wheel, etc., are often used to cut or slot.

Superhard abrasive wheel
The emergence of this "heavyweights" is closely linked with the diamond, there are a lot of cubic nitrogen nitride stretched wheel can also be classified as superhard abrasive wheel, when we want to carry out some alloy steel and Heat-resistant steel and other material cutting, the superhard abrasive wheel has become our best helper.
Said so much, I believe we have a different material of the grinding wheel has a certain understanding, and finally Xiaobian to remind you that due to the use of grinding wheel in the process often use a variety of additives, so we have to fully understand the various materials Of the grinding wheel on the basis of chemical stability and then the choice of grinding wheel, so as to make our project more with less!


CBN grinding wheel process characteristics

CBN grinding wheel process characteristics

发布日期:2016-12-10 13:30:51
IntroductionCBN grinding wheel process characteristics...
1.The use of independent intellectual property rights of superabrasive bonding agent to optimize the formula and the cocoa temperature control of the new technology, successfully resolved the wheel self-sharpening requirements and long-life indicators of contradictions.
2. The use of grinding wheel design and use of its own design and processing of the combination of grinding, grinding wheel and self-developed high-speed rotary test machine to ensure that the quality of product production.

Grinding wheel is mainly used for cylindrical grinder, centerless grinder, internal grinder and a series of tools such as grinding machine, at this stage the main customer base in Zhejiang, Shanghai, Chengdu, Beijing and other large-scale production and processing tool manufacturers, and some precision ceramic processing factory in Juchuang Our long-term partners.
M-tel:  +86-15136439750
WhatsApp:  +86-15136439750
Skype:  jcabrasive@outlook.com
E-mail:  zzabrasive@gmail.com
Address:  Zhengzhou City, Henan province high tech Zone, Dawn Road, No. six


The basic knowledge of grinding wheel
1. The so-called wheel is made of sand with wheels. How is the grinding wheel made, what is the bonding of it? This bonding material is called a binder. The sand particles (abrasive) bonding process, there is no space filled with sand, leaving a certain gap, this gap plays a heat, to accommodate the role of debris, therefore, this gap will enter a certain The amount of air and coolant has a certain benefit for grinding. So, abrasives, voids, binders constitute the three major elements of grinding wheel. In this case,
2, the grinding wheel in the sand chaotic, uneven, can be regarded as tens of millions of knives. After the dressing of the grinding wheel of each grain of the possibility of several cutting edge at the same time to participate in grinding, this property is called abrasive wheel micro-edge. In this case,
In the grinding, the cutting edge changes constantly, after the blunt, passivation of the grinding wheel to continue grinding, for some reason the grinding force increases, when the grinding force exceeds the bond strength, the abrasive will automatically fall off, which Called the wheel "self-detachment." Although the new abrasive particles, but much worse than the grinding force after dressing. If you continue grinding will passivate again, can not get the ideal size and roughness of the workpiece, and heat increased, in this case must immediately dressing wheel.


Keep cool

Appropriate use of cooling fluid, can speed up the dressing speed and improve the efficiency of finishing. Experience dictates that a 3/8 inch diameter coolant can remove a significant amount of heat from the dresser and extend the life of the dresser. When the diamond dressing tool passes through the grinding wheel, install a coolant nozzle that fills the entire surface of the grinding wheel or continuously refills the coolant to the diamond dressing tool. Never allow the dressing tool to exit the coolant after the dresser has been brought into contact with the grinding wheel. Doing so will cause the diamond dressing tool to crack or rupture under extreme cold and hot temperature changes. In this case,
The use of filters for high-precision cooling of the filter, to avoid dirt or chips in the cooling fluid in the cycle. Contaminated coolant can quickly wear the wheel, increasing the number of wheel dressing. Dry grinding of the grinding wheel is only possible during dry grinding (only in this case the cooling of the diamond dressing tool can be interrupted). Turn off the coolant and allow the wheel to spin for a few minutes before going to work every day. This prevents the wheel from cracking. In this case,
Vibration is the finishing enemy
In the dressing of the grinding wheel, it is essential to minimize the vibration, to avoid leaving a dressing mark on the surface of the grinding wheel, to collide and to damage the dressing tool, and so on. This means that it is also necessary to maintain the wheel balance, which is determined by the structural characteristics of the wheel itself. Uneven density and the entire grinding wheel geometry is good or bad, will affect the inherent balance of a wheel. Therefore, the choice of a high-quality grinding wheel is also very important. If it is a high-quality grinding wheel, just a proper installation that can maintain a good balance wheel. According to the manufacturer's instructions, the grinding wheel is marked with an upward arrow, which indicates the light end orientation of the grinding wheel after coarse balancing. Then the user can root Zelkowa arrow instructions, pay attention to dressing wheel, to achieve dynamic balance. The coolant is evenly filled, and sometimes it helps the wheel balance. In order to avoid further vibration, it is necessary to ensure that the dressing tool is firmly clamped to the clamp base and a minimum amount of overhang is maintained to ensure that the dressing tool is sufficiently rigid. If the diamond tool is not firmly clamped, it can cause vibration, noise, ripple on the surface of the part, damage to the surface of the part, and damage to the dressing tool. in conclusion
A superhard abrasive wheel must be reshaped and sharpened before starting grinding. Following the experience presented in this article, will help you produce the most grinding wheel of the short-tailed bird grinding effect.


The Essential Factors in the Cutting Process of Grinding Wheel

Grinding wheel is an important cutting tool, its application is very wide, stone, concrete, old and new roads, ceramics and other hard and brittle materials processing are likely to use it. Diamond wheel is an important type of grinding wheel. Diamond grinding wheel is mainly composed of two parts; the base and the head.Material is the main part of the bonding head, while the head is in use in the process of cutting part, the head will be in use and continue to consume , While the matrix is ​​not, the reason why the cutter can play the role of cutting because it contains diamond, diamond as the hardest material, it is cutting the workpiece in the blade friction, while the diamond particles by the metal wrapped in a knife Head inside.

    Diamond wheel features:
    1, grinding wheel not only can cut superhard brittle material, and can grinding superhard brittle materials, cutting and grinding surface smooth, angular and tidy, broken rate is low, the finished product rate is high.
    2, cutting speed, high grinding efficiency, long service life.
    3, for super-hard brittle materials (such as marble, terrazzo, granite and refractory bricks, etc.) trimming, grooving, shaping, rough grinding plane (including the dado) and so on.
    4, grinding wheel with a cut, grinding two functions, the overall cost reduction, the utility model for construction, decoration and stone products processing.


Dressing skillsThe sharpening process is a sharpening process that grinds the abrasive grains of a superhard abrasive wheel. In this process, the need to remove the abrasive between the binder and abrasive wheel abrasive, grinding with a strong performance of the abrasive wheel prominent bonding agent, the formation of sharp cutting edge. Sharp must also remove small material from the pores of the grinding wheel surface to prevent the grinding force from acting on the grinding wheel from increasing and the grinding force on the grinding wheel to increase, which will cause vibration and surface burn. Without proper sharpening, even the best grinding wheels can not achieve the high quality and dimensional uniformity of the machined parts. In fact, when you invest in high-quality grinding wheel, in order to obtain high grinding performance, it is very good dressing it is very important. Shaping can be said to be part of the wheel preparation work, it is with the ordinary grinding wheel repair at the same time. For the superhard abrasive wheel, two processes are carried out separately, the first wheel to shape. In the use of superabrasive grinding wheel grinding, shaping is the use of plastic tools or rollers, repair sharp is often the use of a ceramic binder dressing rod, in the shaping is completed, the grinding wheel for sharpening treatment. In this case,It is important to ensure that the spindle bearings are at a certain temperature (such as a normal grinding wheel condition) before the grinding wheel can be trimmed and trimmed. This avoids damage to the part geometry and non-normal wear of the grinding wheel and dressing tool. Care must be taken with dressing tools because they are generally made of hard, abrasion-resistant but brittle diamond material and are very sensitive to minor cracks and crushing due to minor impact, stress. In this case,Because the diamond shaper itself is a tool, need to remain very sharp. The use of a dull finishing tool to dress the wheel surface will make the grinding wheel dull. In order to maintain a high-quality and sharp diamond dressing tool, at regular intervals, the need for 1/8 turn to rotate a single point or with the tip of the trimming tool. The number of rotations can be determined according to the trimming situation, according to experience, at least once a day rotation. For chisel heads and forming dressing tools, they are usually rotated 180 ° before they are dull. Most cylindrical grinding machines place the part and wheel on a horizontal line. The highest point of the outer circle of the part and the highest point of the outer circle of the grinding wheel are called the parts / grinding wheel contact point. The diamond dressing tool should dress the grinding wheel as close as possible to the part / grinding wheel contact point. It is even more important to dress the grinding wheel for the internal grinding machine with the diamond dressing tool near the highest point of the outer circle of the grinding wheel (ie the part / grinding wheel contact point at the time of grinding). Take minor trimIn order to reduce the dressing time, as if there is always want to choose a larger repair depth of the temptation. This is a very wrong idea. You must choose the most appropriate repair depth of the wheel dressing. Choose too much repair depth, will have a high cutting temperature, reducing the life of the dresser, but also the useful wheel layer excision. The end result is that both the dresser and the grinding wheel are damaged, which is counterproductive. The best dressing quantity is the rule that can restore the grinding wheel geometry and produce good grinding edge after repairing several times. With a single-point dressing tool, the diametral direction of the grinding wheel should be in contact with the 10-15 ° axis of inclination. This will allow the single-point dressing tool to produce a sharpened effect when rotated periodically. The trimming tool with multi-point contact does not need to be tilted at this angle. With the entire end face of the dressing tool being in contact with the surface of the grinding wheel. In this case,The traverse speed is the speed at which the dressing tool passes through the surface of the wheel during dressing. It requires the processing of surface roughness and metal cutting rate are played a key role. Lateral movement too slow will clog the wheel and damage the part's surface roughness and metal-cutting rate. Too slow the traverse speed can also cause the grinding wheel to vibrate and burn the part surface. Even faster horizontal movement speed can repair a good grinding wheel surface, improve grinding performance, increase grinding efficiency, reduce part surface roughness.


Consolidation abrasive manufacturing processes are: distribution of materials, mixing, molding, heat treatment, processing and inspection. With the combination of different manufacturing processes are not the same. Ceramic binder abrasive mainly by pressure method, the abrasive and binder according to the proportion of the weight of the formula after weighing, mixed in the mixing machine, into the metal mold, the molding machine in the mill blanks. Blank by drying and then into the kiln roasting, firing temperature is generally about 1300 ℃. When a low-melting-point sintering binder is used, the sintering temperature is lower than 1000 ° C. And then according to the required size and shape of the precise processing, and finally check the product. Resin-bonded abrasives are typically formed on presses at room temperature, and are hot-pressed using heat under pressure. And hardened in the hardening furnace after molding. When the phenolic resin is used as a binder, the curing temperature is 180 to 200C. Rubber-bonded abrasive is mainly used to roll mixing, and roll into thin slices, and then use the punching knife forming; some with loose material, into the metal mold on the internal press molding. After molding, the vulcanization tank is vulcanized, and the temperature is 165-180 DEG C. Metal bonded abrasive manufacturing process has two kinds of powder metallurgy and electroplating method, mainly for super-hard abrasive consolidation abrasive. The powder metallurgy method uses the bronze and so on as the binding agent, after the mixture uses the hot press or under the room temperature condition press molding, then sintering processing. Electroplating to nickel or nickel-cobalt alloy for plating metal, according to electroplating process will be consolidated in the matrix abrasive, made of abrasive. Special varieties of grinding with sintered corundum abrasive and fiber abrasive and so on. Sintered corundum abrasive is alumina powder and the appropriate amount of chromium oxide mixture, forming, at about 1800 ℃ sintering. This abrasive structure is compact, high strength, mainly used for processing watches, meters and other parts. Fiber abrasive is containing or attached to the abrasive fiber yarn (such as nylon yarn) made of raw materials, and its good elasticity, mainly for metal materials and polishing products.