
What Are Superabrasives?

Superabrasives make up a special category of bonded abrasives designed for grinding the hardest, most challenging work materials. Because...


Basics: Wheel of water

After the grinding wheel is produced from the oven, it re-enters a water-filled environment until it is consumed. Wheel of life, is a constant face of water vapor life, but also a constant struggle with the water life. While the abrasive wheel manufacturers are deeply affected by the performance of the headache and it is closely related to attenuation. But in the end is how the matter?

Take a look at the structure of the wheel, see Figure 1.

In the production of the wheel mixer on the pot, our sand for the first time met its long-standing resin solution, began to be firmly wrapped live, their feelings can not be purely disturbed by any third party. In the pot mixer, the other filler, resin powder, active additives (please give this component with more attention) and dyes, where uniform mixing, and then wait on the pot prince and prince.

Once the pot of resin liquid and sand come, the composition of the pot will be evenly wrapped around them. On the pot can not add any other component, is that any other components in the pot on the join, will affect the uniform distribution of materials, resulting in potential stress for the grinding wheel after the distortion of foreshadowed. This is a principle that can not be broken. If the mixture is a problem, it should look for other solutions, the feeding sequence process or should stick to.

Resin solution on the sand package, there is no chemical bond, is a purely physical curing package. Therefore, if the sand can be properly treated with a coupling agent, some chemical bonding can be generated between the resin liquid and the sand, and the bonding strength thereof should be increased. Since the two are physical integration, the intensity is not high, as the fairy tale said, it is easy to get involved in a third party. In this article, this disgraceful third party is water.

To see how the invasion of the third party. Figure II.

Water slowly from the outside invasion, and gradually invade the wheel to the inside, but also invasion of resin liquid film and the gap between the sand. We give this water at different stages of a number: wheel outside the water is 1, the wheel structure within the water is 2, further resin liquid film and sand between the water is 3. You see, it really is a small three.

Water 1, free in the grinding wheel outside, in fact, the impact on the grinding wheel is negligible. Water 2, has entered into the wheel, grinding wheel gap, easy to come out easily, but as a channel, the negative impact is gradually increasing. Damage to the wheel is the largest water 3. Water 3 latent here, in the wheel storage process, it seems that do not see too much problem. But once the wheel starts to work, the water becomes hot water into a huge volume expansion, it's destructive power is very frightening. It will really like a demon, Cuikulaxiu-like resin film from the sand peeling off. Sand quickly fall off, large beads beads falling jade plate generally become a mess, the performance change is the wheel of attenuation. Especially for the ultra-thin, this problem is particularly serious. This damage, but also to the internal wheel of the stress released, resulting in distortion, which is the wheel's warpage. Of course, there are other reasons for grinding wheel warping, such as mixing, such as trapped material, such as oven control, but not discussed in this column.

So to solve this type of problem of the program, it is important how to deal with these three water.

Water 1 treatment, mainly packaging and transportation, should be avoided as much as possible the external environment of water vapor intrusion. Many high-end grinding wheel, all plastic packaging, the reason lies in this.

Water 2 treatment, it is relatively complex.

Specific possible options are:

1, increase the wheel compactness, reduce the gap, to reduce the wheel of the invasion;

2, hot pressing wheel production, need to pay attention to molding;

3, control the use of absorbent materials;

4, select the appropriate resin powder and resin solution to close the possible water vapor intrusion channel;

5, adjust the curing process to close the possible water vapor intrusion channel;

Vapor damage to the wheel of the serious, we look at the wheel head manufacturers to know how much the headache index. Especially in the summer, the climate is hot, water vapor is abundant, put this destructive power completely revealed. Grinding wheel distortion, abrupt decline in wheel performance, the accumulation of customer complaints at the desk, inexplicable sadness in my heart. Is the quality of people in the winter wheel warm, but in the summer people pull psychological pull cool? Yes, that is what we are discussing about the role of this third party, especially Water 3.

The gap between the resin liquid film and the sand is very narrow, and the third person should not be able to easily enter. But the reality is that it does enter, and have a large area of ​​damage. The secret lies in the sand: the resin film on the surface of the sand to attract this third party. At present, the domestic resin solution generally absorb moisture serious, even in such a small gap, it can also attract water 2 into the water 3. Incidentally, advertising is what I have been fighting for 12 years of the United States Han Mori's phenolic resin plant in Zhenjiang put into production, the problem is expected to be essential to improve.

Possible solutions to water 3 are:

1, must first use non-absorbent resin solution;

2, select the appropriate resin solution, so that the surface of the sand film coating integrity;

3, slow cooling, to avoid cracks in the resin liquid film;

4, other solutions see the water 2 solution.

The attenuation problem is so complex that the factors that affect it are so numerous that they can be improved without end. However, the market is so cold, in the case of lower and lower product prices, how can you cut prices? In addition to improving quality, product segmentation, specialization, you have another way to go?

