
What Are Superabrasives?

Superabrasives make up a special category of bonded abrasives designed for grinding the hardest, most challenging work materials. Because...


2 How to prevent broken wheel occurs at idle

Grinding procedures in both a requirement that the operator should be allowed to idle for a few minutes before making a new installation of the grinding wheel, its purpose is to look at the possibility of their broken. The reason why wheel broken occurs when idling, mainly because it had been before the rotation of a crack, so to prevent such occurrence should prevent the wheel broken cracks in the transport, storage and installation.
2.1 right wheel mode of transport, methods
(1) long-distance transport: a complete package when handling, no significant impact on the environment available soft material wheel fully tamped to prevent removal during vibration and shock effect.
(2) short-distance transport:
. A wheel when moving to prevent falling or being hit and striking impact such action;. B You must roll handling, to spread to cushion wood, rubber, or other types of straw bags, gently rolling in on the ground;c. Special wheel weight should be used in handling special handling tools, tools should be used with a soft liner material, vehicles should be equipped with pneumatic tires.
However, in real work, we can often see short-distance transport wheel officers without taking any protective measures, the way the plant scroll wheel, wheel carts with solid transport wheel (especially the groove cut grinding wheel), transportation and storage of these acts are disregarded provisions wheel, the operator's personal safety irresponsible for accidents potential problems.
2.2 Correct wheel storage method
(1) Storage environmental requirements:
. A wheel should be stored in a dry, small changes in temperature and the room temperature should not fall below 5 ℃ in place;. B no vibration place;. C rubber bonded grinding wheel is not in contact with the oil, resin bonded grinding wheel should not be in contact with a base;d. rubber bonded grinding wheel and resin bonded grinding wheel storage temperature, preferably 20 persons 5 ℃, relative humidity should not exceed 60%, to avoid direct sunlight and heat close to the local drainage device.
(2) storage space requirements and the way
. A wheel should not be piling up at random, should be stored in the appropriate bracket, cupboard or drawer, the specification should be a separate place, there shall be deposited mark in order to avoid confusion and errors;b. The method should be placed depends on the shape and size of the wheel, thicker or larger diameter wheel should be placed upright or tilted slightly thinner and smaller wheel should be placed flat stack, but do not exceed the stack height 500 a 6 0 0mm;. C small diameter grinding wheel (Ф50 mm or less) can be used rope to string together custody, bowl, cup-shaped, and butterfly wheel should be stacked one by one down the bottom surface, but highly placed not too high;d. rubber or resin sheet wheel stacking height To 2 0 0mm or less, and a flat iron plate and put in its top and bottom, to prevent deformation of the wheel, the wheel with the sharp edges of the sheet to be stacked in the middle of the pad to pad (thick paper or other soft material);e. resin binder, rubber bonded grinding wheel storage process, the binder will reduce its strength to aging, so the shelf life of such grinding wheels generally can not exceed one year. Wheel must exceed the storage period after re-examination in order to use;

