
What Are Superabrasives?

Superabrasives make up a special category of bonded abrasives designed for grinding the hardest, most challenging work materials. Because...


3.2 grinding operation procedures in strict accordance with the operation (1) the operating handle or button must be carefully checked before driving is in the correct position, the movement of the grinding machine is normal. (2) grinding wheel should be the first to the installation of new work for idle running speed. Idle running time is: A. a diameter of 400 mm, or more, idle time is greater than 5 mins, B. diameter < 400 mm, the idle time is greater than 2 min. (3) check carefully before grinding by grinder piece in card is correct, tighten reliable, special attention should be paid to adjust stop position, and tighten, pay attention to prevent collision grinding wheel chuck, chuck or top. (4) grinding, should in the workpiece and grinding wheel is under a state of normal operation and feed (feed may not be too hard); Also, must be in after the blade to stop.

