
What Are Superabrasives?

Superabrasives make up a special category of bonded abrasives designed for grinding the hardest, most challenging work materials. Because...


Preparation of the grinding wheel before use

1, grinding machine to have someone responsible for, regular checks to ensure the normal operation.
2, the replacement of the new wheel, the total power should be cut off, while the installation should be checked before the wheel piece of crack, if the naked eye is not easy to identify, can be a solid line to lift the wheel, and then a wood gently tap, sound. Metal sound is excellent, mute bad)
3, grinding wheel machine must have a solid appropriate wheel cover, bracket from the wheel shall not exceed 5mm or not use.
4, the installation of grinding wheel, the nut shall not be too loose, too tight, should be checked before using the nut loose.

5, after the wheel is installed, be sure to idle test 23 minutes to see whether the balance of its operation, the protection device is properly reliable, test operation should be arranged for two staff, one of them standing on the wheel side.Operating wheel, By another person in the power distribution cabinet immediately cut off the power supply. To prevent accidents.
6, where the user to wear protective goggles, not on the wheel, but should stand on the side. When using the grinder, do not wear gloves, prohibited the use of cotton and other materials wrapped around the tool for grinding.
7, the wheel should be checked before use is in good condition (should not have cracks, cracks or disability) wheel shaft is installed firmly and reliably. Grinding machine and shield between the debris, whether in line with safety requirements, to confirm no problem, then start the wheel.

