
What Are Superabrasives?

Superabrasives make up a special category of bonded abrasives designed for grinding the hardest, most challenging work materials. Because...


The classification matrix matrix is a carrier wheel abrasive

The classification matrix matrix is a carrier wheel abrasive and binder, is coated abrasives with flexible leading factors, so as the matrix material must have the following properties:
(1) the matrix has a strong bonding ability on substrate to the "carrier" for the bond of post node agent. At the same time, to stick firmly depends on two factors, one is the sticky journal selection (performance), two is a surface active matrix itself to the size (i.e. fiber type), fabric texture, density matrix
(2) must have a certain flexibility
(3) extending base body must have a certain the strength and rate of smaller matrix in the application, to bear the tension load and alternating load, load shedding and load expansion rot and other force, must make the star strength can meet the needs of the application. The extension rate is a very important performance matrix, the extension of abrasive will kill Off, loss of ability for grinding, abrasive belt, stretching too much. More than grinding the adjustable range of abrasive belt cannot be used.
(4) the surface of the substrate must be almost the whole matrix coated abrasives.

